Does this sound like you? 🤔

🖥️ Tired of watching endless YouTube videos trying to teach yourself how to draw and paint?

🎨 Wish you had an easy to follow system to quickly take you from a beginner to an advanced watercolorist?

🖼 Are you looking for an instructor who you can talk to, and share your art with for personalized feedback?

✏️ Do you want to ditch tracing to draw your own original compositions, but don’t know how.

😒 Irritated with art instructors telling you to create art only one way, and not helping you to develop your own style?

💰 Wanting to sell your art, but don’t know where to start?

If this sounds familiar, then you know how frustrating and time consuming it is to try to teach yourself art by watching others online.

Which is why I built the Academy!

The Academy is a membership that gives you access to the core training and support needed to help you define your art style, and sell your art.

Hi I’m Tracy!

I’ve been teaching and selling my art for over 30 years, and have learned the recipe for success is to get personalized guidance, feedback, and critiques from artists who have gone before me.

Now you can get that same personalized help here in the Academy!

I want to hear what your art goals are, and help you reach them! I believe every artist is different, and should get access to ongoing help that’s tailored fit to meet their needs.

What Members Have to Say:

Meet Jennifer Mengis:

Meet Jeff Smith:

Meet Mary-Jane Persson:

Here’s What Makes this Art Academy Different from All the Rest:

Watch this video to see what the Academy can do for you:

Painting original watercolors can be learned in 3 easy to follow phases!

Get them ALL in the Academy:

Phase I

Learn How to Draw

Taking the time to learn how to draw strengthens the right side of our brain and empowers us to create our own designs without having to rely on tracing.

After going through my foundational drawing course you'll be able to:

  • Identify and use the Elements of Art
  • Create 1, 2, and 3 Point Perspective Drawings
  • Use Comparative Measuring
  • Draw Portraits & the Human Figure
  • Design a Great Composition

Learning these fundamentals will prepare you for drawing anything you want no matter how complicated, and will give you the foundation needed for painting realistically with watercolors!

Click to learn more about this course, view the curriculum, and watch the 1st module:

Phase II

Learn How to Paint with Watercolors

Watercolors are NOT like other paint mediums.

They require a strategy prior to painting to properly build up those layers of translucent colors without turning them to mud.

You will learn my methods for creating and implementing a watercolor strategy in my foundational watercolor course, which will equip you with EVERYTHING you need to know to create your own vibrant, colorful paintings.

By the end of this course you'll be able to choose your materials with confidence, paint with 15 different watercolor techniques, and know how to plan, and execute your own painting from beginning to end.

You also get to create 4 fun, and very different paintings to expand your skills and abilities. 

Click to learn more about this course, view the curriculum, and watch the 1st module:

Phase III

Learn Advanced Painting Strategies

After going through the foundational courses for drawing and painting with watercolors, you’ll be ready to tackle the advanced section of the Academy! The advanced watercolor courses all have specific objectives that will challenge you, and teach you new layering strategies that you can use in your own compositions.

Take my methods and techniques, and adapt them to suit your own style.

It's that simple!

Watch this video to see what you'll learn in the drawing and painting sections of the Academy:

The Academy goes far beyond courses!

To develop your own aesthetics, art style, and confidence you get my coaching and peer support in the following ways:

Live Support in the Q&A Meetings

In the Academy you get two meetings a month where you get to ask specific questions pertaining to your art. One meeting is dedicated to sharing and talking about how to make your art, and the other meeting will answer all your questions for selling it. If you can't make a meeting that's ok! You can still submit your questions and watch the replay for the answer.

Ongoing Support in the Community Forum

After the meetings end, the conversations continue in the community forum. Everyone gets their own profile and can share the art they make in the Academy, and even the art they make outside the Academy! All art is welcome. You also can share your art privately with me for feedback and video critiques in the forum.

Live Workshops and Replays

Once a month I host a painting workshop live on Zoom. You get to paint alongside me, ask questions, and share your art for feedback during these live events. Everyone is allow to talk, laugh, and ask questions. It's as if we're all painting together in the same studio! Watch the preview to this workshop to see what you can expect:

If you can't make it to the live workshop, that's ok! You can always watch the replay afterwards and share your art in the community forum for feedback from me even after the event has past.

Two NEW Challenges Every Month!

These challenges are the member's FAVORITE! ♥️

The Drawing Challenges are designed to hone your skills for identifying and using the Elements of art. The Design Challenges will spark your imagination while also developing your ability to create original compositions.

Once you develop your own art style, and feel confident, it’s time to show your art to others.

This leads to the next phase, which is selling! Yay!

Phase IV

Learn How to Market and Sell Your Art

The best part about this section of the Academy is that it’s not just for watercolorists!

It’s for ALL fine artists that want to learn how to sell their own artwork. All artists are welcome to join the Academy to learn the proper framework for successfully selling art both online and off! In this course you will learn:

  • How to Build a Cohesive Body of Work
  • Sell Your Art Seven Different Ways
  • How to Market and Grow Your Customer List
  • Business Basics

This course goes hand in hand with the marketing & selling Zoom meetings I host in the Academy, which are dedicated to helping members grow their own successful art business.


Click to learn more about this course, view the curriculum, and watch the first module:

Join the Academy today and get help with marketing and selling your art for a fraction of the price of other art coaches!

Watch this video to see what you’ll learn in the foundational marketing course in the Academy:

You are never alone in the Academy!

I’m there every step of the way to answer your questions, and help you build a successful business selling your art.

What Artists Say:

"Tracy does not believe in cookie-cutter artists and she treats everyone with respect. But what really sets her apart is her commitment to you!"

"Tracy is dedicated to teaching her experiences as an artist and business person. Her tutorials are filled with step-by-step drawing and painting instructions, lots of guidance on how to start selling your art, and plenty of encouragement to develop your own style and message. Personally, participating in the business part of her academy has helped me move to the next level of my business. She helped me to recognize that I needed to find ways to reach out to customers and fans via email and social media events when the in-person art events were canceled. Knowing that she was there to help gave me the courage to stretch myself and try new things. I highly recommend Tracy as both an instructor and a coach." - Gwen Cicone

"I have immensely enjoyed the Watercolor Painting for Beginners course."

"Tracy is not only a gifted artist, but also a brilliant teacher. Her instructions are easy to follow, and she shows and tells, step by step, how to get the best results and what to avoid doing.

The lessons are great preparation for the assignments. I like that they were challenging and that each had a goal for exploring and executing techniques that produced stunning results. It was so rewarding to see my paintings build up to completion. It’s very satisfying to see the patience of layering pay off.

Tracy helped me to see my work objectively, through thoughtful and invaluable corrective criticism." - Tara Urbach

"Tracy is an inspirational teacher."

"Last year I did some soul searching and discovered I needed some help with my watercolor techniques. Divine intervention led me to Tracy Lizotte Studios via Instagram, and ever since I've been creating art I'm super proud of.

I joined her Art Academy, which is an amazing group of supportive people, and every one of her courses (like the Mini-Course on How to Paint an Egg) has helped strengthen my skills, both as an artist, and a business woman.

There's so much content in her classes you won't go wrong if you want to learn to manage the sometimes fickle nature of watercolors." - Paula Millhouse

"Anyone can paint with watercolor and Tracy Lizotte's courses show you how!" 

"I have completed Tracy's The Fundamentals of Drawing and Watercolor Painting for Beginners courses and highly recommend both of them. In the drawing course, she teaches you different drawing techniques and how to see everything as shapes and lines allowing you to draw anything. In the watercolor course, she teaches you how to bring your drawings to life. You learn how to use the tools, techniques, skills and strategies to successfully create watercolor paintings.

In addition, Tracy coaches you along the way by providing valuable critiques, advice and most importantly encouragement as you complete each step of the course!

I would recommend her courses to anyone who wants to learn or improve their artistic skills!" - Jeff Smith

My #1 priority is to serve you in the Academy! 

You can't learn and master your art skills in a 6-8 week course. It takes time to develop them and even longer to hone your own style, which is why I offer everything I teach in one place. This allows you to carve out your own learning path, and go at your own pace. 

It took me over a decade to master my skills, which never would have happened if it wasn't for the support I received from my mentors.

Learning how to paint will only get you so far. To develop your own aesthetics, and ability to talk about your art you need to share it with others who will challenge you, and offer insightful feedback.

And in The Academy you can share ANY art you want for feedback! (It's not just for watercolors.)

What Members Have to Say:

Meet Rebecca Pfluger:

Meet Vincent Edmunds:

Meet Hollie Hitchcock:

Here's What You Get When You Subscribe:

🔓 Access to ALL courses, including my 3 foundational courses, which are step-by-step learning paths for drawing, painting with watercolors, and selling your art.

🎨 Access to all Live Workshops.

🤔 Two Zoom meetings a month where you can talk to me live to get answers on all your drawing, painting, and selling questions.

🎥 Access to ALL Replays (Meetings + Live Workshops).

✏️ A NEW Drawing Challenge each month to strengthen your ability to use the Elements of Art.

✍️ A NEW Design Challenge each month to expand your skills for creating original compositions, and develop your own art style!

🧑‍🎨 A community of friendly artists who you can share your struggles and successes with.

🖼️ Your own profile and gallery in the community forum for you to share your work, track your progress, and ask questions.

🙋 Private access to contact me to ask questions, and share your art for personalized feedback.

🖥️ Extra help video tutorials, video critiques of your art, demonstrations, and more!

Are you ready to evolve into the artist you're meant to be? 

If so, I look forward to seeing you in the Academy. 

Choose a Subscription Plan:

Get immediate access upon enrollment, and cancel anytime.

Art is a life long journey. Go further, faster on your journey in the Academy!

Stephanie Ripha

"If you want personal, easy to understand instruction on improving your skills, Tracy is your Artist. Her excitement for you to learn to paint is shown in every video, and I really think she is just talking to me. She'll help you get over your fear of picking up a brush and make you feel confident to do it on your own." Thanks Tracy.

Terri Fruci

"Thank you Tracy, for the critique. You have boost my confidence with myself and my abilities. I appreciate all you have done within these courses and the wealth of information you provide. Most of all I value the time and effort you give to critique, and teach us all individually. Thank you again! "

Maria Brady

"I have tried several online art courses at much high prices with not so great results. By far Tracy's Art Academy is the best. Tracy's experience as a teacher comes through in this course. She is patient, encouraging and thorough in her explanations without over doing it. The fact that you have these courses to refer to over and over again is so helpful. Amazing job I LOVE IT!"

Melissa Morgan-Oakes

"The at-home, online aspect of the Academy has been perfect for my busy life style and has allowed me to take needed breaks, to step back, and to move through courses in a way that makes sense to me. When I hit a wall of frustration Tracy steps in to offer guidance on what to try next. I’m just so grateful for these classes and can’t wait to see where my journey takes me!"

Michele Tschirhart

"Finding Tracy Lizotte Studios Art Academy has saved me hours of struggling along on my own, trying to “figure out” just how to create watercolor paintings!"

Josie Barton

"This is so beautifully explained, thank you Tracy. I have not come across another tutor who explains everything in such detail - it’s so important to get the foundations right otherwise it’s a magical mystery tour with every painting. I'm just a couple of months in to watercolour painting and I am finding this course more valuable than anything I have found before!"

Jess Burbank

"I have produced work I never thought I could, and have newfound confidence. I don't even have to continue on my own! I know that Tracy and the other Academy members are there if I need them to answer any questions that might arise. I came into this program with a deep yearning to make art, share it with others, and someday sell it. Tracy has given me the confidence that I CAN do that. I'm so grateful."

Linda Scroggin

"Tracy, I was overwhelmed that you took so much of your time to respond individually to my marketing questions. I have watched the video 3 times now and, each time I listen to it, I get more out of it. I cannot tell you how much it means to me that you take such personal interest in all of your students. That is priceless!" 

Carrie Dugovic

"I was previously taking in-person lessons, but honestly, I learned so much more from Tracy's step-by-step instruction, and the online format allows me to watch them over and over to make sure I'm doing it right. Her timely feedback, especially the video constructive critiques are very helpful."

Choose a Subscription Plan:

Get immediate access upon enrollment, and cancel anytime.